eMentor Logo

As part of Impact Lab 3 : Planet, we were individually tasked with creating schemes relevant to our Sustainable Development Goal. My group member Harriet's scheme related to education, and offering students an e-mentoring programme. I designed a logo based on my understanding of her idea.

Although it was listed as an e-mentoring programme, I decided to shorten this to eMentor for the logo to keep it short and snappy. After a few sketches I decided that the goal of this logo would be to convey the simple interaction of one person asking a question, and another answering - as someone would with a mentor.

I created the two people, and then their respective speech bubbles which were stylised in an online messenger inspired way. Speech dots were then added to the left sided person (the student) to demonstrate the "uhm"ing and "ahh"ing that goes on when people ask a question. The right side (the mentor) was left blank to demonstrate the definitive 'answer' they would give. 

This was paired with a Roboto wordmark, stylised with a lowercase e (as is typically used to infer an electronic nature, for example email, e-card, e-book) to give it a clean look. It was then locked up and provided to Harriet for use in her project, to which she chose to use QUT inspired colours of blue and orange. In this particular image posted the colours used are PMS 541 and PMS 151.

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