As part of DYB201 Impact Lab 3 : Planet at QUT, the first assessment required a randomly formed group to write individual research reports which would inform a poster created by the group. The subject for this assessment was the Sustainable Development Goals formed by the United Nations in 2015. Our group was tasked with researching stakeholders, then creating a poster for a digital campus. We addressed SDG 3, 4, and 14. The best posters from this assessment were displayed on the QUT Cube.
The poster layout and idea was formed and sketched by myself. Sian then expanded on my sketches and made the three drawings shown in the poster. I then took the drawings and created the poster layout digitally, adjusting as needed to ensure our message would be received. Kaitlyn was helpful in this stage with vital input on the aesthetics and layout of the poster. Harriet then aided in the completion of our poster by offering help with the annotations for each drawing.

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