6/05 - Spielhaus June, an aim to post pattern based designs in the month of June.
I recreated a pattern I saw from the pavements of São Paulo, but didn't really know what to do with it. Seeing as it's Pride Month, I thought I'd see if there were any events in São Paulo I could design for. I was met with the wonderful knowledge that São Paulo's Parade is listed as the largest in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records and will take place on the 19th June 2022. 

I therefore designed around the pattern and created a poster for the parade, organised by ParadaSP. After I posted it on Instagram, they replied with a like. Although there is a language barrier (my English to their Portuguese), I think my best intentions can be shown through purely visual language seen above. I hope the parade goes fantastically and all attendees enjoy themselves.
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