6/02 - Spielhaus June, an aim to post pattern based designs in the month of June.
A pattern design based on the use of nuclear weapons and the opposing want for peace. This has been implemented into a front cover for the fictitious "The 1983 Guide to: Avoiding Nuclear Warfare". 

In all honesty, I picked a random year and then googled it to see if there was anything that happened. I had been vaguely aware of the situation that happened in 1983, where Stanislav Petrov judged the alert of incoming missiles from the USA to be false and subsequently avoided potential nuclear warfare between the USA and USSR, but I didn't know any specifics. It was interesting to read about. 

I therefore added "Special contribution by Stanislav Petrov" as a nod to his decision which ruled out unthinkable destruction. The bookstore named on the price sticker is actually the name of his wife, Raisa Petrova. 
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