As part of Impact Lab 3 : Planet, we were individually tasked with creating schemes relevant to our Sustainable Development Goal. My scheme related to the convergence of university medical centres into a singular widespread network, offering university students wider accessibility to health care.

With that 'Unimed' was born. A merger between 'united' and 'medical' but also a nod to the slang term 'uni' for university, 'Unimed' represented my scheme and needed a logo to fit.

I created the logo with a simple, clear, and uniting wordmark and an icon representing medical care.
The typeface used was Neue Haas Grotesk bold, in a sophisticated PMS 419 and PMS 7739 palette. The latter was chosen due to it's use with SDG 3 that 'Unimed' is targeting.
A short tag line to accompany the logo in certain uses was devised too.

To extend the brand even further, I created a small use logo (U and the +) and implemented it as an mobile application icon to see it in practice. As you can see below it works well.

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